Friday, March 14, 2014

The Government Is Enlisting Your Mother to Get You to Sign Up for Healthcare

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The Government Is Enlisting Your Mother to Get You to Sign Up for Healthcare

Source: - Friday, March 14, 2014
We've seen the president on Between Two Ferns , we've seen Billy Eichner quiz Olivia Wilde on the subject of "Obamacare or shut up,"  and now we have your mother, who is very disappointed in you, young man/lady, especially if your names are Jonah Hill, Adam Levine, Alicia Keys or Jennifer Lopez and you don't have health insurance. The Obama administration has been going all out to promote the new law to millennials as the March 31 deadline for market-based, potentially subsidized healthcare sign-up approaches. And by and large, the president is going with, "You think you're invincible, but you're not" (versions of that message appear in both this ad and Zach G's hilarious interview). Tip: go with "free money for health insurance, maybe" on the next few executions, see what that does. Droga5 helped with the creative on this spot, which is very good—funny, classy, just the right pitch of we're-making-you-feel-guilty-haha-no-but-seriously. Adweek hears that the next execution involves a major sports figure and will be aimed at a different audience. Best on all counts is the interplay between Sharon Feldstein (Jonah Hill's mom) and Patsy Noah (Adam Levine's mom), who were apparently pals while their kids were doing all kinds of inadvisable things growing up. Michele shows up at the end: "We nag because we love you," she says. Thanks, government! You can watch below.        
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